Beyondophonic Action Hour, Sunday 8th of march 2009
[4th of March 2009]
Tothar's Beyondophonic HAIR Happening with Galt MacDermot - March 1 and 8
In honor of HAIR's 2009 return to Broadway, Tothar dishes up a 2-part Hair Happening. On March 1, Tothar crammed in his favorite versions of 22 different HAIR songs plus some interview tidbits with HAIR composer Galt MacDermot. There was Moog HAIR, Latin HAIR, foreign-language (French! German! Hebrew! Spanish! Japanese!) HAIR. And more! Then come on back this Sunday for way more dialogue with Galt and lots more great HAIR cuts in Part Two. Tune in and turn on or drop out: Sundays 7pm Pacific, 10pm Eastern, only on LuxuriaMusic.
Good Morning America Friday
[ June 24th, 2009 ]
Hair podcast with Jim
[ June 15th, 1009 ]
American Soldier
[ April 24th, 2009 ]
Broadway Tribe on Letterman
[ April 24th, 2009 ]
Time Out New York tribe pictures
[ March 12th, 2009 ]